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miercuri, 19 decembrie 2007
marți, 18 decembrie 2007
Audi A5
Pe langa faptul ca arata rapitor de frumos, A5-ul va avea sub capota si niste motorizari de top - un V6 TDI de 3.0 litri, un V8 FSI si un V6 FSI de 3.2 litri. Toate modelele in afara de echiparea de baza vor avea tractiune quattro. Audi va pune la dispozitie si o cutie manuala in 6 viteze, multitronicul CVT sau cutia de viteze cu dublu ambreiaj S-tonic.
Noul A5 este prima masina dezvoltata pe noua platforma modulara a celor de la Audi, platforma care va fi utilizata si pentru urmatoarea generatie a limuzinelor A4 si A6, precum si pentru noul model A8.
vineri, 14 decembrie 2007
Audi R8 - Primul Audi care va prinde peste 300 km/h
Noul Audi R8, propulsat de un V8 cu 420 de cai va fi capabil sa ajunga la o viteza maxima de 310km/h, comparabila cu a principalului sau rival, Porsche 911. Avand in vedere competitia, Audi a declarat ca ar fi "imposibil" sa vinda o masina precum R8. Audi R8 va concura cu Porsche 911 - Carrera şi Turbo, precum şi cu modelele similare ale mărcilor Aston Martin, Ferrari şi Maseratiul cu un limitator de viteza.
Audi A4
Lungimea masinii este de 4.7 metri, insa principalele elemente care s-au schimbat sunt proportiile, impinse catre sportivitate. Astfel, distanta dintre botul masinii si rotile fata s-a scurtat dramatic, puntea fata fiind mutata cu 154 milimetri spre inainte. Ampatamentul se mareste la 2808 milimetri, spatiul interior fiind mai mare cu 20 de milimetri, in timp ce in spate spatiul pentru genunchi creste cu 36 de mm la 908 mm.Confortul a fost imbunatatit, comenzile ergonomice au fost plasate si mai ergonomic, iar cele patru niveluri de echipare: Attraction, Ambition, Ambiente si S-line ofera cate ceva oricarui doritor
Audi A6
Chiar daca se afla in competitie directa cu BMW Seria 5, modelul A6 reprezinta un pas important in directia limuzinelor de lux. Principalul avantaj al acestui model, o "regula" in cazul tuturor creatiilor celor de la Audi, este calitatea finisajelor. De asemenea, se respecta si “regula” unui numar mare de propulsoare la dispozitie: nu mai putin de sase motorizari dintre care jumatate diesel. Cei care opteaza pentru mai mult spatiu prin alegerea lui A6 Avant nu vor fi dezamagiti. Designul elegant si dinamic si paleta de propulsoare puternice se completeaza cu multiplele posibilitati de configurare a spatiului de incarcare, rezultand o masina eleganta dar practica in acelasi timp.
Audi A8
Limuzina de lux a celor de la Audi este modelul care deschide drumul tuturor noutatilor tehnologice dezvoltate de constructorul german. Tocmai de aceea, desi arata aproape ca modelul pe care l-a inlocuit in 2003, Audi A8 dispune de o structura interna a caroseriei de ultima generatie, de un sistem de suspensie revolutionar, de sistemul MMI (Multimedia interface), faruri adaptive si de posibilitatea de acces in masina pe baza amprentei digitale. Pe langa toate acestea, deja clasicul sistem de tractiune integrala quattro si cele cinci propulsoare aflate la dispozitia fiecarui client intregesc tabloul de prezentare al modelului german
joi, 13 decembrie 2007
BMW Seria 5
Seria 5 este una dintre cele mai populare modele in clasa sa, segment dominat de masinile germane (aici intrand si cunoscutele Mercedes Clasa E si Audi A6). Avand in vedere nivelul concurentei, BMW a considerat ca cea mai potrivita arma impotriva “inamicilor” este reprezentata de ultimele descoperiri in materie de tehnica. Astfel, BMW Seria 5 a fost prima masina din lume care a dispus de un sistem de directie activa, beneficiind in plus de suspensia Dynamic Drive, de display-uri futuriste in interior, de pneuri run-flat sau de faruri adaptive. Cronologic, este al treilea model care a abordat noua directie de design BMW, dupa Seria 7 si Z4. In plus, versiunea Touring, desi arata ca un break obisnuit, va multumi deopotriva si iubitorii masinilor sport.
BMW Seria 3
Seria 3 este intr-adevar complexa: Patru variante de caroserie (sedan, cabrio, coupe si touring) care satisfac cele mai diverse gusturi. Una dintre cele mai bune masini ca tinuta de drum din clasa sa, Seria 3 dispune de un raport intre tractiunea anterioara si posterioara care determina o distributie ideala a greutatii fata/spate, rezultatul direct fiind o stabilitate perfecta. In plus, sistemul de directie activa disponibil pe versiunile propulsate de motoare cu sase cilindri este ajutorul perfect la rularea cu viteze ridicate. Gama completa de propulsoare intregeste imaginea modelului german.
BMW Seria 7
A patra generatie a Seriei 7, aparuta in 2002, a fost recunoscuta ca o masina superba care nu a facut nici un compromis in ceea ce priveste confortul si refinamentul, insa a existat tot timpul o obiectie majora: era o aparitie destul de neobisnuita datorita designului sau. Au existat la acea vreme chiar voci din mass-media care au cerut demisia sefului de design, Chris Bangle. Trei ani mai tarziu, noua Serie 7 este mai putin controversata, mai ales datorita faptului ca opinia publica s-a obisnuit cu actuala linie stilistica BMW
A fost lansat acum un an, la Salonul Auto de la Geneva. Avand in vedere faptul ca cei de la BMW au prognozat vanzarea a circa 300 de exemplare pe an, exclusivitatea este garantata. Coupe-ul german dispune de performante de exceptie, motorul V10 de 5 litri dezvoltand 500 CP la 7750 rpm, rezultatul direct fiind o acceleratie de la 0 la 100 km/h in 4.6 secunde. BMW M6 este dotat cu o cutie de viteze secventiala cu sapte trepte, din cauza cuplului enorm dezvoltat la o turatie foarte ridicata (520 Nm/6100 rpm).
BMW Seria 6 Cabrio ,Poze, Deralii BMW Serie 6 Cabrio
Cu un design interesant - este foarte posibil ca unii sa nu aprecieze noile linii dinamice ale bavarezilor – Seria 6 se remarca mai ales pentru clientii fideli ai marcii. Unul dintre avantajele sale este reprezentat de tinuta de drum, considerata excelenta de multi, indiferent de suprafata de rulare. Multitudinea de optiuni in privinta reglajului volanului si al scaunelor sau pozitionarea orientata catre sofer a tuturor comenzilor de pe bord face ca viata in habitaclul unui Seria 6 sa fie extrem de placuta. Pentru cei care iubesc senzatiile tari in aer liber, varianta cabrio a Seriei 6 este cea mai buna alegere. Aceasta versiune dispune de un propulsor V8 de 4.4 litri care dezvolta 258 CP.
miercuri, 5 decembrie 2007
Mourinho 'would consider' England
Former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho would consider becoming England manager if the Football Association approached him, says his personal advisor.
Eladio Parames says Mourinho has had no contact with the FA and would not go looking for it, but would take an offer of a job seriously if it came along.
"It would be an honour," said Parames. "He likes English football, the people, the country and the players.
"It's something he'd consider but he's not trying to get the FA's attention."
Jose's problem would never be money
Jose Mourinho's advisor
Parames told the Associated Press: "He's not waving his hands in the air, but if he's approached, he'll reply."
Mourinho, who left his job at Chelsea in September, has been heavily linked with the England post since Steve McClaren was sacked on 22 November.
On Sunday, the FA was reported to be considering offering Mourinho £6m a year to take the job, though Parames says the financial aspect is not important to the Portuguese coach.
"If he were approached he'd consider it, discuss it, negotiate, present his own ideas," said Parames.
"Jose's problem would never be money. If he's approached, invited, there will be positive and negative things for him to consider and he'll weigh up the pros and cons."
BBC Sport's Jonathan Legard told Radio 5 Live the consultation process to find the new England manager was "well under way", with FA development director Sir Trevor Brooking helping FA chief executive Brian Barwick.
I have my doubts that Mourinho would like the job, though I would take him at a shot
"As much as the Mourinho fanclub bats its eyelids at the FA, Barwick will stick to his guns, tune in to respected football opinion and take his time," said Legard.
"I'm told ideally the FA would welcome an appointment before their planned friendly in February, but the priority remains the best man, a 'world-class manager', not the timing."
Barwick has already canvassed the thoughts of England captain John Terry, Wales boss John Toshack, Uefa chief Michel Platini and German legend Franz Beckenbauer.
He will also consult Steven Gerrard, Arsene Wenger, Sir Bobby Charlton, Sir Bobby Robson and Sir Alex Ferguson.
Mourinho won two Premier League titles, one FA Cup and two Carling Cups during his three-year spell at Stamford Bridge.
In his previous job, he won the Champions League as manager of Portuguese side FC Porto.
Eladio Parames says Mourinho has had no contact with the FA and would not go looking for it, but would take an offer of a job seriously if it came along.
"It would be an honour," said Parames. "He likes English football, the people, the country and the players.
"It's something he'd consider but he's not trying to get the FA's attention."
Jose's problem would never be money
Jose Mourinho's advisor
Parames told the Associated Press: "He's not waving his hands in the air, but if he's approached, he'll reply."
Mourinho, who left his job at Chelsea in September, has been heavily linked with the England post since Steve McClaren was sacked on 22 November.
On Sunday, the FA was reported to be considering offering Mourinho £6m a year to take the job, though Parames says the financial aspect is not important to the Portuguese coach.
"If he were approached he'd consider it, discuss it, negotiate, present his own ideas," said Parames.
"Jose's problem would never be money. If he's approached, invited, there will be positive and negative things for him to consider and he'll weigh up the pros and cons."
BBC Sport's Jonathan Legard told Radio 5 Live the consultation process to find the new England manager was "well under way", with FA development director Sir Trevor Brooking helping FA chief executive Brian Barwick.
I have my doubts that Mourinho would like the job, though I would take him at a shot
"As much as the Mourinho fanclub bats its eyelids at the FA, Barwick will stick to his guns, tune in to respected football opinion and take his time," said Legard.
"I'm told ideally the FA would welcome an appointment before their planned friendly in February, but the priority remains the best man, a 'world-class manager', not the timing."
Barwick has already canvassed the thoughts of England captain John Terry, Wales boss John Toshack, Uefa chief Michel Platini and German legend Franz Beckenbauer.
He will also consult Steven Gerrard, Arsene Wenger, Sir Bobby Charlton, Sir Bobby Robson and Sir Alex Ferguson.
Mourinho won two Premier League titles, one FA Cup and two Carling Cups during his three-year spell at Stamford Bridge.
In his previous job, he won the Champions League as manager of Portuguese side FC Porto.
Davis Cup success a career pinnacle for Bryans
PORTLAND, Oregon, Dec 3 (Reuters) - Simply being part of a United States Davis Cup team was a dream come true for the Bryan brothers, Bob and Mike.
Victory in this year's final against holders Russia to give the U.S. their first success in the prestigious competition since 1995 was the crowning moment of the twins' glittering careers.
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"This ranks at the very top," Bob Bryan told Reuters in an interview after the Americans had clinched the three-day tie 4-1 at a near-capacity Memorial Coliseum.
"I would clean out my whole trophy case to put the Davis Cup trophy in there. I would give away all the titles and everything for this one title."
The dominant Bryan brothers have won 44 ATP titles together, including five grand slams, and ended 2007 as the world's number one doubles team for the third successive year.
Left-hander Bob was clearly pleased "just to be kind of considered in the same league as (Pete) Sampras, (Andre) Agassi and those guys.
"This team is carving out its own niche in U.S. tennis history and we needed to do this to be up there with those guys."
Twelve years earlier, tennis great Sampras had led the Americans to their previous triumph in the team competition, also against Russia on clay in Moscow.
In Portland, the crowd-pleasing, chest-bumping Bryan brothers crushed Russians Nikolay Davydenko and Igor Andreev 7-6 6-4 6-2 to give the Americans an unbeatable 3-0 lead in the best-of-five match final.
For right-hander Mike, Davis Cup success is as good as it gets for a doubles player.
"The singles guys, they play on television every week, they are always on the big stage," he said.
"For doubles, Davis Cup is the biggest stage in tennis. A whole day is devoted to it and it's on television to an international audience. Right when I turned pro, I knew that's where we wanted to be, on the U.S. team.
"We can die happy right now," the 29-year-old added with a laugh.
U.S. Davis Cup regulars since 2003 and battle-hardened in the grand slam arena, the Bryan brothers had never before experienced such a high level of pressure and expectation.
"I got a lot more nervous for our doubles match than for any grand slam final," Bob Bryan said. "It's tough being like the 'gimme' point for our team. In our own mind, we know it's a 'gimme' if we play up to our level.
"But it's the anticipation of doing it, putting your body on the court, being healthy and actually executing. That's what makes you nervous, the question of whether you can actually execute."
Mike drew on memories of their first grand slam final together to help him handle the pressure at Memorial Coliseum.
"When I was on the court, I was actually thinking about the French Open in '03 because that was an enormous amount of pressure and very similar," he said.
"When we got up in the French Open, I could feel my legs start getting wobbly, I could feel the nerves start hitting you and it's hard to focus when that amount of pressure is on. You start looking at people in the crowd.
"So I was thinking: 'Stay focused like the French Open, because there we kept moving our feet and staying energised. There's nothing like the pressure of winning your first grand slam and then the Davis Cup is an absolute horror, I thought."
The Bryans have lost just one doubles match out of 14 in the Davis Cup since making their debut against Slovakia in a World Group playoff in 2003.
Victory in this year's final against holders Russia to give the U.S. their first success in the prestigious competition since 1995 was the crowning moment of the twins' glittering careers.
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"This ranks at the very top," Bob Bryan told Reuters in an interview after the Americans had clinched the three-day tie 4-1 at a near-capacity Memorial Coliseum.
"I would clean out my whole trophy case to put the Davis Cup trophy in there. I would give away all the titles and everything for this one title."
The dominant Bryan brothers have won 44 ATP titles together, including five grand slams, and ended 2007 as the world's number one doubles team for the third successive year.
Left-hander Bob was clearly pleased "just to be kind of considered in the same league as (Pete) Sampras, (Andre) Agassi and those guys.
"This team is carving out its own niche in U.S. tennis history and we needed to do this to be up there with those guys."
Twelve years earlier, tennis great Sampras had led the Americans to their previous triumph in the team competition, also against Russia on clay in Moscow.
In Portland, the crowd-pleasing, chest-bumping Bryan brothers crushed Russians Nikolay Davydenko and Igor Andreev 7-6 6-4 6-2 to give the Americans an unbeatable 3-0 lead in the best-of-five match final.
For right-hander Mike, Davis Cup success is as good as it gets for a doubles player.
"The singles guys, they play on television every week, they are always on the big stage," he said.
"For doubles, Davis Cup is the biggest stage in tennis. A whole day is devoted to it and it's on television to an international audience. Right when I turned pro, I knew that's where we wanted to be, on the U.S. team.
"We can die happy right now," the 29-year-old added with a laugh.
U.S. Davis Cup regulars since 2003 and battle-hardened in the grand slam arena, the Bryan brothers had never before experienced such a high level of pressure and expectation.
"I got a lot more nervous for our doubles match than for any grand slam final," Bob Bryan said. "It's tough being like the 'gimme' point for our team. In our own mind, we know it's a 'gimme' if we play up to our level.
"But it's the anticipation of doing it, putting your body on the court, being healthy and actually executing. That's what makes you nervous, the question of whether you can actually execute."
Mike drew on memories of their first grand slam final together to help him handle the pressure at Memorial Coliseum.
"When I was on the court, I was actually thinking about the French Open in '03 because that was an enormous amount of pressure and very similar," he said.
"When we got up in the French Open, I could feel my legs start getting wobbly, I could feel the nerves start hitting you and it's hard to focus when that amount of pressure is on. You start looking at people in the crowd.
"So I was thinking: 'Stay focused like the French Open, because there we kept moving our feet and staying energised. There's nothing like the pressure of winning your first grand slam and then the Davis Cup is an absolute horror, I thought."
The Bryans have lost just one doubles match out of 14 in the Davis Cup since making their debut against Slovakia in a World Group playoff in 2003.
Australian Open has strongest field in history
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) -- The Australian Open will have the strongest field in the tournament's 103-year history -- all top-ranked 100 men and 99 of the top 100 women in January.
Three-time champion Roger Federer heads the men's draw, while top-ranked Justine Henin -- the 2004 champion -- will be the women's No. 1 seed.
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Following Wednesday's release of the first entry lists, the only omission from the top 100 women was Russia's Vera Dushevina, ranked 44th, who was forced to withdraw because of a right-foot injury.
Australian Open tournament director Craig Tiley said he was thrilled with the strength of the lineup for the Jan. 14-27 tournament.
"At this stage, it's the strongest field in the event's history and we're sure this will equate to one of the most exciting tournaments yet," he said.
The men's field will be completed by 16 qualifiers and eight wild cards, while the women's field has 12 qualifiers and eight wild cards.
The women's field has five former champions in Henin, the Williams sisters -- Venus and defending champion Serena -- Amelie Mauresmo and Lindsay Davenport. The men's field includes three past winners -- Federer, Thomas Johansson and Marat Safin.
Three-time champion Roger Federer heads the men's draw, while top-ranked Justine Henin -- the 2004 champion -- will be the women's No. 1 seed.
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Following Wednesday's release of the first entry lists, the only omission from the top 100 women was Russia's Vera Dushevina, ranked 44th, who was forced to withdraw because of a right-foot injury.
Australian Open tournament director Craig Tiley said he was thrilled with the strength of the lineup for the Jan. 14-27 tournament.
"At this stage, it's the strongest field in the event's history and we're sure this will equate to one of the most exciting tournaments yet," he said.
The men's field will be completed by 16 qualifiers and eight wild cards, while the women's field has 12 qualifiers and eight wild cards.
The women's field has five former champions in Henin, the Williams sisters -- Venus and defending champion Serena -- Amelie Mauresmo and Lindsay Davenport. The men's field includes three past winners -- Federer, Thomas Johansson and Marat Safin.
A composite course that tells the story of 2007
NEW YORK (AP) -- A golf scorecard doesn't have room for stories, only numbers.
This scorecard will be different. It comes from an imaginary golf course, a composite of PGA Tour sites designed to review some of the key players, issues and best moments of 2007.
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No. 1: Augusta National.
"Sure is beautiful, isn't it?" Arnold Palmer said softly before he hunched over the ball, waggled the driver and swung from the heels. With that, the King became the honorary starter at the Masters. It was a low hook that only went about 200 yards and settled in the left rough. The applause seemed endless.
No. 2: The Gallery at Dove Mountain
Tiger Woods was going for his eighth consecutive PGA Tour victory, and such was the frenzy that some projected him breaking Byron Nelson's record of 11 in a row at the Masters. That was before he drew Nick O'Hern in the third round of the Accenture Match Play Championship. When O'Hern made a 12-foot par putt to win in 20 holes, the second-longest winning streak in tour history was over.
No. 3: Torrey Pines (North Course)
Brandt Snedeker was 10 under through 11 holes when he hit wedge to 3 feet. The birdie would put him at 11 under, meaning he would need only two birdies over the last six holes to shoot 59. He missed the putt, and didn't make another birdie until his final hole for a 61.
No. 4: TPC Boston
Phil Mickelson's most gratifying win this year came at the Deutsche Bank Championship, when he played three rounds with Woods. No hole was more pivotal than the 298-yard fourth. After both drove into a greenside bunker in the first round, Mickelson holed his for eagle and Woods took two to get out and made double bogey. In the final round, Mickelson made a 15-foot birdie from the fringe, while Woods drove the green and three-putted for par.
No. 5: PGA National
After Mark Wilson hit his tee shot on this par 3 in the second round of the Honda Classic, his caddie casually mentioned to Camilo Villegas that Wilson hit an 18-degree hybrid. Wilson called for an official and penalized himself two shots for a violation of the rule on advice. Those two shots nearly proved costly. He wound up in a playoff, which he won for his first PGA Tour victory. And he reminded everyone why golf stands alone among sports in integrity
This scorecard will be different. It comes from an imaginary golf course, a composite of PGA Tour sites designed to review some of the key players, issues and best moments of 2007.
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No. 1: Augusta National.
"Sure is beautiful, isn't it?" Arnold Palmer said softly before he hunched over the ball, waggled the driver and swung from the heels. With that, the King became the honorary starter at the Masters. It was a low hook that only went about 200 yards and settled in the left rough. The applause seemed endless.
No. 2: The Gallery at Dove Mountain
Tiger Woods was going for his eighth consecutive PGA Tour victory, and such was the frenzy that some projected him breaking Byron Nelson's record of 11 in a row at the Masters. That was before he drew Nick O'Hern in the third round of the Accenture Match Play Championship. When O'Hern made a 12-foot par putt to win in 20 holes, the second-longest winning streak in tour history was over.
No. 3: Torrey Pines (North Course)
Brandt Snedeker was 10 under through 11 holes when he hit wedge to 3 feet. The birdie would put him at 11 under, meaning he would need only two birdies over the last six holes to shoot 59. He missed the putt, and didn't make another birdie until his final hole for a 61.
No. 4: TPC Boston
Phil Mickelson's most gratifying win this year came at the Deutsche Bank Championship, when he played three rounds with Woods. No hole was more pivotal than the 298-yard fourth. After both drove into a greenside bunker in the first round, Mickelson holed his for eagle and Woods took two to get out and made double bogey. In the final round, Mickelson made a 15-foot birdie from the fringe, while Woods drove the green and three-putted for par.
No. 5: PGA National
After Mark Wilson hit his tee shot on this par 3 in the second round of the Honda Classic, his caddie casually mentioned to Camilo Villegas that Wilson hit an 18-degree hybrid. Wilson called for an official and penalized himself two shots for a violation of the rule on advice. Those two shots nearly proved costly. He wound up in a playoff, which he won for his first PGA Tour victory. And he reminded everyone why golf stands alone among sports in integrity
Despite changes, Masters will still get a smallish gathering
NEW YORK (AP) -- Augusta National won't have to worry about overcrowding at the Masters. Despite changing its criteria, it appears the field for next year's tournament will not top 100 players, which is what the club wants.
With an overhaul of the PGA Tour schedule and format, the Masters revamped its qualifying this year to invite winners of PGA Tour events that get full FedEx Cup points, those who qualified for the Tour Championship at the end of the FedEx Cup season, and those who finished in the top 30 on the PGA Tour money list.
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The Masters will be played April 10-13 and the field will not be set until the Shell Houston Open the previous week. But here's how it's shaping up after the first year of the new criteria:
Twenty-two players already have qualified by finishing in the top 30, making the Tour Championship field or winning. Camilo Villegas, who would not have qualified for the Masters under the old system, was the only player at East Lake who did not finish in the top 30 on the money list.
Nick Watney (New Orleans), Brian Bateman (Buick Open) and Jonathan Byrd (John Deere) only qualified by winning tournaments. And only one player, Steve Flesch, was added to the field in the top 30 category through the money earned during the Fall Finish.
Under the previous criteria of top 40 on the money list, 23 players would have qualified. The five players who finished inside the top 40 were Justin Leonard, Carl Pettersson, Ken Duke, Sean O'Hair and Henrik Stenson.
Stenson will qualify as top 50 in the world ranking at the end of 2007. There are two weeks left of worldwide events that get ranking points, and among those on the bubble are Anders Hansen (No. 49), Rod Pampling (No. 52) and Bradley Dredge (No. 53). If there are no changes, 11 players will be added to the Masters field by the end of the month.
Going into the 2008 season, about 85 players will have qualified. The only spots up for grabs until April will be winners from 14 tournaments and anyone who gets into the top 50 by the end of March.
So for the field to be more than 100, different players would have to win every week who aren't already eligible. And that's about as likely as Martha Burk being invited to the club for peach cobbler.
The Masters had 97 players compete last year, and no fewer than 92 players over the last five years.
TIGER CLUBS: Tiger Woods was in south Florida on Monday to promote new products from Nike, with most of the attention on the driver. But that led to a question about what additional clubs Woods takes to a tournament, particularly irons.
He brings a backup putter, wedges, fairway woods and a driver -- but no irons.
"I don't really foresee myself breaking any irons," Woods said
With an overhaul of the PGA Tour schedule and format, the Masters revamped its qualifying this year to invite winners of PGA Tour events that get full FedEx Cup points, those who qualified for the Tour Championship at the end of the FedEx Cup season, and those who finished in the top 30 on the PGA Tour money list.
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The Masters will be played April 10-13 and the field will not be set until the Shell Houston Open the previous week. But here's how it's shaping up after the first year of the new criteria:
Twenty-two players already have qualified by finishing in the top 30, making the Tour Championship field or winning. Camilo Villegas, who would not have qualified for the Masters under the old system, was the only player at East Lake who did not finish in the top 30 on the money list.
Nick Watney (New Orleans), Brian Bateman (Buick Open) and Jonathan Byrd (John Deere) only qualified by winning tournaments. And only one player, Steve Flesch, was added to the field in the top 30 category through the money earned during the Fall Finish.
Under the previous criteria of top 40 on the money list, 23 players would have qualified. The five players who finished inside the top 40 were Justin Leonard, Carl Pettersson, Ken Duke, Sean O'Hair and Henrik Stenson.
Stenson will qualify as top 50 in the world ranking at the end of 2007. There are two weeks left of worldwide events that get ranking points, and among those on the bubble are Anders Hansen (No. 49), Rod Pampling (No. 52) and Bradley Dredge (No. 53). If there are no changes, 11 players will be added to the Masters field by the end of the month.
Going into the 2008 season, about 85 players will have qualified. The only spots up for grabs until April will be winners from 14 tournaments and anyone who gets into the top 50 by the end of March.
So for the field to be more than 100, different players would have to win every week who aren't already eligible. And that's about as likely as Martha Burk being invited to the club for peach cobbler.
The Masters had 97 players compete last year, and no fewer than 92 players over the last five years.
TIGER CLUBS: Tiger Woods was in south Florida on Monday to promote new products from Nike, with most of the attention on the driver. But that led to a question about what additional clubs Woods takes to a tournament, particularly irons.
He brings a backup putter, wedges, fairway woods and a driver -- but no irons.
"I don't really foresee myself breaking any irons," Woods said
Early favorites for '08
Is it too early to start looking at next year's favorites? Naah. So let's get to it.
1. Jimmie Johnson: After blowing away the field – including a stout Jeff Gordon – Johnson has to be the favorite going into 2008.
Going for him: Momentum and the best crew chief in the business.
Going against him: History. Only one driver (Cale Yarborough) has ever won back-to-back-to-back championships. Johnson will be trying to do something Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt and Jeff Gordon couldn't even do.
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2. Jeff Gordon: Gordon didn't just prove that he's still a championship contender in 2007. He showed that he still has the fire. Couple that with another year under crew chief Steve Letarte's belt and Gordon will be in the hunt.
Going for him: Maturity of his team and an entire offseason to think about how his teammate swiped away a championship that in any other year would have been his.
Going against him: Knowing that at very near his best he couldn't beat Johnson.
3. Kurt Busch: In the final 19 races of the season, Busch posted 15 finishes of 12th or better. That shows he and his team are finally starting to get each other.
Going for him: Year One at Penske was all about introducing one another; Year Two was about figuring out what works; Year Three will be about taking both of those things, putting them together and going for the championship.
Going against him: Sam Hornish Jr. could prove to be more of a distraction than anything, expecially if Busch has to give up his top-35 status.
4. Matt Kenseth: Only one driver was better than Kenseth in the final five races of '07 and he took home the Nextel Cup. If Roush Fenway Racing can catch up in its Car of Tomorrow program, Kenseth will be an all-around threat.
Going for him: Knowing that he challenged for the title despite his team spending very little time testing the CoT.
Going against him: Who knows how far behind Roush is with its CoT program? While they're trying to catch up to Hendrick, Hendrick will keep moving forward. Also, Kenseth will be without Robbie Reiser, the only crew chief he's ever known.
5. Martin Truex Jr.: By the end of the season, Truex started showing a consistency that had been lacking through most of the season. If not for some bad luck – like running into the back of Denny Hamlin's sputtering car – Truex would have finished much higher.
Going for him: No more Dale Earnhadt Jr., meaning Truex will be the primary focus at Dale Earnhardt Inc.
Going against him: Dale Earnhardt Inc. Can they be a top-notch team on the same level as Hendrick? They haven't proven it yet.
Others to look for: Tony Stewart, Denny Hamlin and Kyle Busch – everyone knows what they're capable of, but what everyone doesn't know is how those capabilities will be impacted by a switch to Toyota. &hellip Dale Earnhardt Jr.– Will definitely get back to victory lane, but it’s too much of a leap to think Junior will walk into the Hendrick garage and immediately challenge Johnson and Gordon. &hellip Carl Edwards – Getting back to victory lane made all the difference in the world. &hellip Clint Bowyer – The ultimate wild card because we don't know which Bowyer will show up. Will it be the Bowyer we saw during the first part of the Chase or the second? &hellip Ryan Newman – Started to show glimpses of his old form toward the end of the season, but it will take more than glimpses to challenge for a championship.
1. Jimmie Johnson: After blowing away the field – including a stout Jeff Gordon – Johnson has to be the favorite going into 2008.
Going for him: Momentum and the best crew chief in the business.
Going against him: History. Only one driver (Cale Yarborough) has ever won back-to-back-to-back championships. Johnson will be trying to do something Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt and Jeff Gordon couldn't even do.
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2. Jeff Gordon: Gordon didn't just prove that he's still a championship contender in 2007. He showed that he still has the fire. Couple that with another year under crew chief Steve Letarte's belt and Gordon will be in the hunt.
Going for him: Maturity of his team and an entire offseason to think about how his teammate swiped away a championship that in any other year would have been his.
Going against him: Knowing that at very near his best he couldn't beat Johnson.
3. Kurt Busch: In the final 19 races of the season, Busch posted 15 finishes of 12th or better. That shows he and his team are finally starting to get each other.
Going for him: Year One at Penske was all about introducing one another; Year Two was about figuring out what works; Year Three will be about taking both of those things, putting them together and going for the championship.
Going against him: Sam Hornish Jr. could prove to be more of a distraction than anything, expecially if Busch has to give up his top-35 status.
4. Matt Kenseth: Only one driver was better than Kenseth in the final five races of '07 and he took home the Nextel Cup. If Roush Fenway Racing can catch up in its Car of Tomorrow program, Kenseth will be an all-around threat.
Going for him: Knowing that he challenged for the title despite his team spending very little time testing the CoT.
Going against him: Who knows how far behind Roush is with its CoT program? While they're trying to catch up to Hendrick, Hendrick will keep moving forward. Also, Kenseth will be without Robbie Reiser, the only crew chief he's ever known.
5. Martin Truex Jr.: By the end of the season, Truex started showing a consistency that had been lacking through most of the season. If not for some bad luck – like running into the back of Denny Hamlin's sputtering car – Truex would have finished much higher.
Going for him: No more Dale Earnhadt Jr., meaning Truex will be the primary focus at Dale Earnhardt Inc.
Going against him: Dale Earnhardt Inc. Can they be a top-notch team on the same level as Hendrick? They haven't proven it yet.
Others to look for: Tony Stewart, Denny Hamlin and Kyle Busch – everyone knows what they're capable of, but what everyone doesn't know is how those capabilities will be impacted by a switch to Toyota. &hellip Dale Earnhardt Jr.– Will definitely get back to victory lane, but it’s too much of a leap to think Junior will walk into the Hendrick garage and immediately challenge Johnson and Gordon. &hellip Carl Edwards – Getting back to victory lane made all the difference in the world. &hellip Clint Bowyer – The ultimate wild card because we don't know which Bowyer will show up. Will it be the Bowyer we saw during the first part of the Chase or the second? &hellip Ryan Newman – Started to show glimpses of his old form toward the end of the season, but it will take more than glimpses to challenge for a championship.
Texas agency responds to Vasquez death
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations announced Monday that its review of an Oct. 20 mixed martial arts show in which a fighter was seriously injured and later died showed the event was conducted in compliance with all regulating procedures.
The aftermath of the Oct. 20 Renegades Extreme Fighting Championship show at the Toyota Center in Houston culminated in tragedy on Friday with the death of 35-year-old fighter Sammy Vasquez.
Vasquez, a Houston native, had been hospitalized since being knocked out by Vince Libardi in a featherweight match on the show. He underwent two operations to relieve clotting in his brain, suffered a major stroke on Nov. 9 and had been in a medically induced coma for nearly a month before his death.
The regulating body said Monday that it began its investigation immediately after the show and, despite the outcome, found no wrongdoing.
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"From the pre-fight review conducted by the referee, to the actions of the physician on duty and the emergency medical technicians, everyone involved with the Oct. 20 card conducted themselves accordingly and adhered to all procedures," said Bill Kuntz, the department's executive director.
"We want to commend the ringside officials who presided over this event for their professionalism and quick actions," he said. "The referee immediately stopped the fight when he saw that Sammy was hurt. The doctors and paramedics worked quickly to give Sammy the medical attention he needed and to get him to the hospital."
The cause of death has not been released, but if it was determined to be fight-related, it would be the first mixed martial arts death in North America in the 14-year history of the sport.
The department reviewed a video recording of the Vasquez vs. Libari match and interviewed ringside personnel, including the department staff members at the show, the referee, the physician and emergency medical technicians.
"Our thoughts and prayers remain with the family of Sammy Vasquez during this very difficult time," Kuntz said. "Texas and the mixed martial arts community have lost a true fighter."
Steve Bruno of the department said on Monday that he didn't know if any changes in the way Texas governs MMA competition would be made, and said rumors that the state was considering outlawing the sport were untrue. The next major event in Texas is scheduled for Mark Cuban’s HDNet Fights show on Dec. 15 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
The aftermath of the Oct. 20 Renegades Extreme Fighting Championship show at the Toyota Center in Houston culminated in tragedy on Friday with the death of 35-year-old fighter Sammy Vasquez.
Vasquez, a Houston native, had been hospitalized since being knocked out by Vince Libardi in a featherweight match on the show. He underwent two operations to relieve clotting in his brain, suffered a major stroke on Nov. 9 and had been in a medically induced coma for nearly a month before his death.
The regulating body said Monday that it began its investigation immediately after the show and, despite the outcome, found no wrongdoing.
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"From the pre-fight review conducted by the referee, to the actions of the physician on duty and the emergency medical technicians, everyone involved with the Oct. 20 card conducted themselves accordingly and adhered to all procedures," said Bill Kuntz, the department's executive director.
"We want to commend the ringside officials who presided over this event for their professionalism and quick actions," he said. "The referee immediately stopped the fight when he saw that Sammy was hurt. The doctors and paramedics worked quickly to give Sammy the medical attention he needed and to get him to the hospital."
The cause of death has not been released, but if it was determined to be fight-related, it would be the first mixed martial arts death in North America in the 14-year history of the sport.
The department reviewed a video recording of the Vasquez vs. Libari match and interviewed ringside personnel, including the department staff members at the show, the referee, the physician and emergency medical technicians.
"Our thoughts and prayers remain with the family of Sammy Vasquez during this very difficult time," Kuntz said. "Texas and the mixed martial arts community have lost a true fighter."
Steve Bruno of the department said on Monday that he didn't know if any changes in the way Texas governs MMA competition would be made, and said rumors that the state was considering outlawing the sport were untrue. The next major event in Texas is scheduled for Mark Cuban’s HDNet Fights show on Dec. 15 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
marți, 4 decembrie 2007
Milwaukee 87, LA Clippers 78
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The last time the Milwaukee Bucks played the Los Angeles Clippers at Staples Center, Elton Brand and Shaun Livingston were healthy and Michael Redd was sidelined with a knee injury.
This time, the cast was on the other foot.
Redd scored 10 of his 25 points in the final 3:36, Andrew Bogut had 19 points and 12 rebounds, and the Bucks rallied from a 15-point second-quarter deficit to beat the Clippers 87-78 Tuesday night.
Corey Maggette scored 20 points and Chris Kaman added 13 points and 11 rebounds for the Clippers, who were buried by a game-ending 14-4 run after Tim Thomas' 3-pointer gave them their last lead at 74-73 with 4 minutes left. Redd fueled the Bucks' late rally with a pair of 3-pointers and two driving layups.
"I'm a competitor, and I know my responsibilities is to get the ball and make things happen at the end of the game," Redd said. "I love that challenge. Tonight was special because we won on the road and came back from a large deficit."
This time, the cast was on the other foot.
Redd scored 10 of his 25 points in the final 3:36, Andrew Bogut had 19 points and 12 rebounds, and the Bucks rallied from a 15-point second-quarter deficit to beat the Clippers 87-78 Tuesday night.
Corey Maggette scored 20 points and Chris Kaman added 13 points and 11 rebounds for the Clippers, who were buried by a game-ending 14-4 run after Tim Thomas' 3-pointer gave them their last lead at 74-73 with 4 minutes left. Redd fueled the Bucks' late rally with a pair of 3-pointers and two driving layups.
"I'm a competitor, and I know my responsibilities is to get the ball and make things happen at the end of the game," Redd said. "I love that challenge. Tonight was special because we won on the road and came back from a large deficit."
Detroit 106, Atlanta 95
ATLANTA (AP) -- The Detroit Pistons are playing like a dominant team, even when the final score is deceptively close.
The Pistons led by 26 after a lopsided third quarter and coasted to their fourth straight victory, beating the Atlanta Hawks 106-95 on Tuesday night.
The Pistons won with balance, with seven players scoring in double figures, led by Tayshaun Prince's 23.
"It was good, man," said Chauncey Billups, who had 10 points and 10 assists. "We got a lot of guys rolling."
Detroit won with a strong inside presence, taking a 10-0 advantage in offensive rebounds in the first half. I was really impressed with the job we did on the glass," said Pistons coach Flip Saunders, adding he considered offensive rebounds "the Hawks' forte."
The Pistons also won with defense, blocking 10 shots and shutting down the Hawks' top scorer, Joe Johnson, who had only five points. Johnson's scoring average dropped a full point from 21.7 to 20.7. It was the low total for Johnson since he had five at Memphis on April 2, 2006.
Johnson called the Pistons "a great team" but added he also had a bad game.
"I'll give them credit, maybe a little bit of both," Johnson said. "It's just tough fighting against double teams."
The Hawks couldn't come close to matching the Pistons' scoring depth. When Johnson was shut down, the Hawks had no backup plan. Josh Smith was held to 13 points, four below his average.
"Our main core guys, they just didn't have it tonight," Hawks coach Mike Woodson said. "There are nights like that in the NBA. I just hope we don't have many more nights like that."
Saunders credited Richard Hamilton with leading the defensive effort on Johnson.
The Pistons led by 26 after a lopsided third quarter and coasted to their fourth straight victory, beating the Atlanta Hawks 106-95 on Tuesday night.
The Pistons won with balance, with seven players scoring in double figures, led by Tayshaun Prince's 23.
"It was good, man," said Chauncey Billups, who had 10 points and 10 assists. "We got a lot of guys rolling."
Detroit won with a strong inside presence, taking a 10-0 advantage in offensive rebounds in the first half. I was really impressed with the job we did on the glass," said Pistons coach Flip Saunders, adding he considered offensive rebounds "the Hawks' forte."
The Pistons also won with defense, blocking 10 shots and shutting down the Hawks' top scorer, Joe Johnson, who had only five points. Johnson's scoring average dropped a full point from 21.7 to 20.7. It was the low total for Johnson since he had five at Memphis on April 2, 2006.
Johnson called the Pistons "a great team" but added he also had a bad game.
"I'll give them credit, maybe a little bit of both," Johnson said. "It's just tough fighting against double teams."
The Hawks couldn't come close to matching the Pistons' scoring depth. When Johnson was shut down, the Hawks had no backup plan. Josh Smith was held to 13 points, four below his average.
"Our main core guys, they just didn't have it tonight," Hawks coach Mike Woodson said. "There are nights like that in the NBA. I just hope we don't have many more nights like that."
Saunders credited Richard Hamilton with leading the defensive effort on Johnson.
Red Sox, Twins working on Santana terms
By JIMMY GOLEN, AP Sports WriterDecember 4, 2007
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- The best team in baseball is getting closer to acquiring the best pitcher on the market.
The World Series champion Red Sox are working on a deal to acquire two-time Cy Young Award winner Johan Santana from Minnesota for a package that could include left-hander Jon Lester or outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury. Twins general manager Bill Smith wouldn't discuss the talks. Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein has also declined to comment on Santana, saying generally that "a lot of the rumors out there are just that."
"It takes two teams to make a trade," he told Boston-area reporters. "I know there's a lot of speculation that we're close to something big. Until we reach an agreement, then we're not that close."
If the teams agree to the players, the Red Sox would try to work out a contract extension with Santana, a 28-year-old lefty who is eligible for free agency after the 2008 season.
"We have no payroll constraints. Our issues aren't payroll right now," Twins general manager Bill Smith said. "Some of it is more length. Length of contract is an issue. Some things around groundbreaking issues. I'd just as soon leave it at that."
The New York Yankees had also been pursuing Santana before setting a Monday night deadline and pulling out of the negotiations.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- The best team in baseball is getting closer to acquiring the best pitcher on the market.
The World Series champion Red Sox are working on a deal to acquire two-time Cy Young Award winner Johan Santana from Minnesota for a package that could include left-hander Jon Lester or outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury. Twins general manager Bill Smith wouldn't discuss the talks. Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein has also declined to comment on Santana, saying generally that "a lot of the rumors out there are just that."
"It takes two teams to make a trade," he told Boston-area reporters. "I know there's a lot of speculation that we're close to something big. Until we reach an agreement, then we're not that close."
If the teams agree to the players, the Red Sox would try to work out a contract extension with Santana, a 28-year-old lefty who is eligible for free agency after the 2008 season.
"We have no payroll constraints. Our issues aren't payroll right now," Twins general manager Bill Smith said. "Some of it is more length. Length of contract is an issue. Some things around groundbreaking issues. I'd just as soon leave it at that."
The New York Yankees had also been pursuing Santana before setting a Monday night deadline and pulling out of the negotiations.
Sid the Kid is coming to town
The heck with Santa, he shows up every year. It's Sid the Kid who is finally coming to town.
That's what ravenous hockey fans are saying in Western Canada this week as the Pittsburgh Penguins visit Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver over a four-day stretch starting Wednesday night in northern Alberta. It's the first trip to each city in Sidney Crosby's NHL career.
The weather is positively frigid, but this will be one hot ticket.
"Everyone wants to see this kid," Flames general manager Darryl Sutter said. "They want to see the stars. It's the same when (Alexander) Ovechkin came in last year." It's taken nearly one-third of the way into Crosby's third NHL season to finally complete the 30-city circuit. These are the final three stops the 20-year-old native of Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia has to make to give everyone around the league an opportunity to witness him live.
"It's always nice to go to a new place, it's nice to play someone new," Crosby said by phone. "It feels like your first year again."
Crosby will be in demand this week. Canada's TSN is airing Wednesday's game from Edmonton, Saturday's contest in Vancouver is the second half of Hockey Night in Canada and Rogers Sportsnet is following the tour day-by-day. It might remind him a bit of his first day of training camp three years ago when 11 Canadian media outlets were on hand to record his every move.
"I'd never complain about the attention – ever," said Crosby, already 186 games into a superstar's career. "I feel very fortunate to be doing what I love to do. Not everyone gets that chance every day.
"This is just part of it, and it comes down to managing my time to make sure I concentrate on my passion, which is the hockey."
Surprisingly, despite his high profile status as a junior star and national team member, Crosby had not appeared in any of these three buildings before reaching the NHL.
That's what ravenous hockey fans are saying in Western Canada this week as the Pittsburgh Penguins visit Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver over a four-day stretch starting Wednesday night in northern Alberta. It's the first trip to each city in Sidney Crosby's NHL career.
The weather is positively frigid, but this will be one hot ticket.
"Everyone wants to see this kid," Flames general manager Darryl Sutter said. "They want to see the stars. It's the same when (Alexander) Ovechkin came in last year." It's taken nearly one-third of the way into Crosby's third NHL season to finally complete the 30-city circuit. These are the final three stops the 20-year-old native of Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia has to make to give everyone around the league an opportunity to witness him live.
"It's always nice to go to a new place, it's nice to play someone new," Crosby said by phone. "It feels like your first year again."
Crosby will be in demand this week. Canada's TSN is airing Wednesday's game from Edmonton, Saturday's contest in Vancouver is the second half of Hockey Night in Canada and Rogers Sportsnet is following the tour day-by-day. It might remind him a bit of his first day of training camp three years ago when 11 Canadian media outlets were on hand to record his every move.
"I'd never complain about the attention – ever," said Crosby, already 186 games into a superstar's career. "I feel very fortunate to be doing what I love to do. Not everyone gets that chance every day.
"This is just part of it, and it comes down to managing my time to make sure I concentrate on my passion, which is the hockey."
Surprisingly, despite his high profile status as a junior star and national team member, Crosby had not appeared in any of these three buildings before reaching the NHL.
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